Saturday, November 17, 2012

Over-worked and Overwhelmed

My past week was probably one of the most stressful weeks I've had in a long time. I had three exams this week and a few papers due, which made this week intense! We all experience moments when it seems as though there isn't enough time in the day. I want to share with you some things that got me through my stress:

Some beautiful flowers from my fantastic boyfriend. I love fresh flowers, especially when the days turn chilly and dim.

I love the way trees look without their leaves. There's just something so macabre and beautiful about seeing these dormant "skeletons" everywhere.

Delicious candied violet petals from Ladurée. I picked these up in NYC and have been slowly munching away at them this week. I love the subtle floral-ness, and it's a perfect way to satisfy a sweet tooth!

These are the things the helped me survive my week, what do you enjoy when feeling overwhelmed? 

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